This is the H-R diagram of radio telescope facilities, building on Stuart Lowe's
H-R diagram for astronomers.
How is it constructed? The x-axis is the number of publications a telescope has produced in the last 10 years (via a search of the abstract of the ADS using both the abbreviated and full names e.g. VLA "Very Large Array". The y-axis represents the number of google hits for a specific facility, again using the same search string as in the previous ADS seaarch. This leads to some contamination that has been dealt with by specifying an additional search term e.g. "Parkes Telescope".
It seems that most radio telescope facilities fall on the "main sequence", a few are branching off into the realm of Stewart's "media stars" e.g. the Jodrell Bank telescope.
All the caveats referred to Stuart's original analysis probably apply.