JP & Anna - party time:

Visit to the van Gogh museum:

The (very wet) JIVE garden party:

Dwingeloo 50yr and Huug van Woerdon 80th birsthday party:

ASTRON-JIVE openday in Dwingeloo:

Messing about on the river!

Georgie finally visits Anna Frank's house:

JP and Anna's dugs arrive:

Madame Tusauds:

Cape cod:

The Hilton Prague:

Bored in Prague:

The gay parade Amsterdam:

Jasmin's first flight on her own:

Unusual view of the 300-m Arecibo telescope (underneath the surface) in Puerto Rico:

The Rose-line at Paris Observatory:

Greenland from 30000ft:

South Africa & Table mountain:

At the end of the year its good to look back and see how lucky you have been; I've seen some amazing things this year: